
Sugar Cookies I -- Beaver Nation Part 1

For the most part, I am a good cook.  I can follow a recipe... I can improvise.   I have, in my culinary travels, come upon a few items that I just can't seem to master... sugar cookies is one of them.  I did make some decent Halloween cookies a year or two back...

... but every other time I've tried to make them, it's been a disaster.  Dough spreads out when baking, or cookies fall apart or icing looks ridiculous (even the snow globes were borderline).  Whatever, sugar cookie dough is not my friend.  Not being one to give up easily (i.e. stubborn), I am determined to find a go-to recipe for sugar cookies.  Today is recipe #1, attempt #1.

The little chipmunk looking cookie is supposed to be a beaver.   The shirt is... a shirt.

This seems to be a good recipe for me, as the cookies did not puff or spread while baking.  It is always nice when they retain their shape.  They came out of the oven just in time for my son to wake up, come into the kitchen, and *taste test* the entire first batch.

Sugar Cookies  -- Recipe 1
Mix and set aside:
1/2 tsp. salt
3 C. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
Beat until fluffy:
1 C. butter
1 C. sugar
Add to butter mix:
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
Mix wet together, and then blend in dry ingredients, just until incorporated.  Flatten into disc, wrap in plastic wrap, and chill in fridge for 1 hour.  Roll out 1/4" thick, cut into shapes, put on parchment lined sheet pan, and chill for 15 minutes.  Bake 8-10 minutes, or until starting to brown around edges.  Cool on pan for a few minutes and then transfer to cooling rack.

*I added a pinch of ginger and cinnamon -- just because I can't leave well enough alone.