
Yes, we have no cookies...

...we have no cookies today.  Or any other day this month, for that matter.  January 2012 is no-sugar month for me... and if it doesn't actually kill me, will quite possibly make me stronger.  We shall see.

My issue I guess, in the past, is that I start focusing on *healthy* and it's like an avalanche of information.  A floodgate, really, opening up and dumping a deluge of random unsubstantiated information on me.  Eat this, don't eat that, take these supplements, drink this concoction, alkaline tea, herbal tea, kombucha tea, etc.  I don't deal well with junk-drawer scenarios.  Hence the no-sugar start.

I really don't want to get overwhelmed.  I just want to be successful, and a small amount of success will be major in my eyes.  Baby steps.  January is sugar-free and exercise.  I am making an effort to walk every day for 30 minutes.  I can go over that, should I want to, but that is the minimum.  The one drawback is that it is Winter.  It was 23 degrees this morning, and even with good socks my ankles grow numb.  At least it isn't raining or snowy/slushy... so stop the whining and get out there, right?  Yeah, like the sugar, it is a no-excuses/no-exceptions experience.

I don't eat sugar this month.  I walk 30 minutes every day.  Period.

Next month I can worry about my gluten and alkaline.

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